About Me

I am a Christian mother of five, and our highest goal as a family is to serve God in every aspect of our lives. Jesus promised His disciples 'life in all its abundance' (John 10:10) - that has been our story, a rich life, not devoid of challenges, but certainly abundant. Previously writing at www.homeeducationnovice.blogspot.com, we have come to realise that education is just one area where our faith shapes our choices and direction in life. This blog seeks to share our adventure (using font only to enable access in settings with poor internet)

Friday, 3 May 2013

Language learning

A few months ago, I asked some questions about language learning and young children. I've been so amazed at how the boys pick up phrases in whichever country we are visiting, and I realised how ideal it would be to learn a langauge at this age.

My first question was, which language? The three largest spoken languages worldwide are Mandarin, English, and Spanish. Mandarin might open some very exciting opportunties in the future, but we did not think that the parents would be able to keep up - we would not necessarily know what our children were saying, and it would not necessarily be a language we could easily learn as a family. However, Spanish seemed more realistic.

Then, the question was what kind of method. We found this:


Basically, this was something which was being offered locally (once again, we are on the move, and living in temporary accommodation for a few months). The boys seem to love it. I think I realised that we could spend so long contemplating the different options that we missed the chance altogether. So this was our decision.

And lately, we have met many native Spanish speakers, or non-native speakers who love the language and culture. So we are encouraged in our choice.

Has anybody else moved forward in this area?

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